Партнеры и спонсоры: Голосование
Новости The finish of International amateur basketball league of the year 2018-2019 in Tbilisi (Sakartvelo) and the triumph of Moscow MSU (Russia) as the new IABL championsПонедельник, 8 Июля 2019 21:28; Комментарии: At the start of June, in Tbilisi, the capital of Sakartvelo the championship of International amateur basketball league (IABL) of the year 2018-2019 was finished. There were 8 teams from 5 countries – Lithuania, Latvia, Sweden, Russia and Sakartvelo.
On the first day of the tournament the final subgroup game was played in the sports hall in Zaza Pachulia sports school in Tbilisi, where the playoff teams came out. The winning quarterfinal teams get into the semifinal ,
Fierce fights, records of points and a drama with four overtimes during the first IABL season of 2018/2019 in KlaipėdaЧетверг, 22 Ноября 2018 12:24; Комментарии: On November 17, 2018 the first tournament of International Amateur Basketball League ( IABL) of the year 2018/2019 took place in Klaipėda, at the seaside of Lithuania. This year 8 teams from Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Sweden are participating in the tournament. Some new teams are going to join the upcoming tournaments.
The teams are divided into subgroups „A“and „B“. The teams play one game once and later fight for the title of champions in summer of
The final IABL battle in Batumi (Georgia) and the third in a turn IABL champions title for Riga Rumba/LSPA (Latvia)!Среда, 27 Июня 2018 14:33; Комментарии: On May 31– June 3, 2018 in Batumi, a Black sea resort in Georgia, the final 7-th International amateur basketball league (IABL) championship came to the finish with persistent fights. After an amazing game that even required an overtime, the Latvian representatives of Riga Rumba/LSPA team held out the Kaunas KKL attacks and has defeated the champion‘s title.
On the day of May 31, all six teams had to play extra subgroup game each. The Swedish yielded to Kaunas team 69:95, the
The season of 2017/2018 IABL has started in RigaВторник, 12 Декабря 2017 12:23; Комментарии: Traditionally on the 25th of November the 7th season of International amateur basketball league has already started in Riga. Six teams from four countries arrived at LSPA sports hall in the capital of Latvia. Each of the teams has played two games.
Both teams from Russia were the first to come out on the site. The players from Sankt-Petersburgh challenged the team from the capital of Russia. The victory was reached by the guest team from Sankt-Petersburgh with a fragile three points
Ryga “Rumba“ (Latvia) team again has become the champions of IABL (International amateur basketball league) of 2017Среда, 5 Июля 2017 20:09; Комментарии: At the first weekend of June, 2017 the IABL finals took place. There were 8 teams from 6 countries – Russia, the Ukraine, Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania and Latvia - to compete for the title of the champions.
On the first day of the tournament the teams played in the final subgroup matches: Moscow (Russia) vs. Sweden - 80:106, Sankt-Petesrburgh (Russia) vs. Denmark – 77:63, Latvia vs.Vilnius (Lithuania) - 92:93, the Ukraine vs. Kaunas (Lithuania) – 97:57. The quarter finals team
The start of the Sixth Season of 2016/2017 International Amateur Basketball League (IABL) in RigaПонедельник, 19 Декабря 2016 14:55; Комментарии: On 26th November, 2016 the sixth International amateur basketball league tournament started in Riga, the capital of Latvia. There are 8 teams, participating in this championship, i.e. Moscow BK “Torpedo“ (Russia), Sankt-Petersburgh ( Russia), Hoganas ( Sweden), Riga “Rumba“( Latvia), Vilnius “Tegra“ (Lithuania), Kaunas KKL ( Lithuania), Kiev (Ukraine) and Copenhagen “Risk“ Denmark as a newly joined team.
There were 8 games , played in Riga
The champions of the Fifth International Amateur Basketball League (IABL) – Riga „Rumba“ team (LBAL – Latvia)Среда, 20 Июля 2016 17:27; Комментарии: In June ,2016 the Fifth of jubillee International amateur basketball league (IABL) tournament was closed. This year there were 7 teams from 5 countries: Russia, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia and the Ukraine. The teams had to fight in three tournaments to get into the final fourth. In winter the first tournament took place in Riga ( Latvia), the second one took place in Hoganas ( Sweden) and both the third and the final tournament took place in Benidorm, a resort in Spain.
The third tournamentДругие новости » |