
Ryga “Rumba“ (Latvia) team again has become the champions of IABL (International amateur basketball league) of 2017

At the first weekend of June, 2017 the IABL finals took place. There were 8 teams from 6 countries – Russia, the Ukraine, Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania and Latvia - to compete for the title of the champions.

On the first day of the tournament the teams played in the final subgroup matches: Moscow (Russia) vs. Sweden - 80:106, Sankt-Petesrburgh (Russia) vs. Denmark – 77:63, Latvia vs.Vilnius (Lithuania) - 92:93, the Ukraine vs. Kaunas (Lithuania) – 97:57. The quarter finals team pairs turned out after this game.

The following day, the teams of the Ukraine and Denmark came out on the site. After a fierce fight the Ukraine won in a result 110:99. Kaunas ( Lithuania) and Sankt -Petersburgh teams were next to test their strengths. By the way, last year these two teams already experienced meeting at the same stage, where representatives from Russia were stronger then. The same scenario has been repeated this year and the baskeball players from Sankt-Petersburgh defeated the opponents in a result 118:86. During the last but one match, the host team tested the guests from Sweden , where the latter had to withstand the pressure on the site. However, the representatatives from Latvia had a hard fight for a victory with the achieved result 97:81. So, for the last chance in order to get into semifinals, Vilnius team as a team from the capital of Lithuania, defeated Moscow team from the capital of Russia in a result 107:84

The defeated teams at the semifinals had to fight for the Challenge cup, whereas the winning teams had to fight for main winners title. Moscow team ( Russia) defeated Kaunas team ( Lithuania) (133:90) and got into the Challenge cup final to play against Sweden.

In the semifinals for the main IABL cup, after a rather fierce and changeable game Vilnius (Lithuania) defeated Sankt-Petersburgh (Russia) in a result 89:82 and got into the finals. In the next semifinal, the host team from Latvia and guest team from the Ukraine met. During the first part of the match, the basketball players from Ryga got a serious resistance from the representatives from the Ukraine, although finally managed to break through slightly older opponents in a result 94:73. So, like last year, the teams of Vilnius and Ryga had to fight for the title of the champions. Whereas the fight for the third place - the Ukraine and Sankt-Petersburgh ( Russia).

On the finals day, in the first match for the Challenge cup, Moscow( Russia) played against Sweden. During the changeable fight, Russians were more successful and defeated Sweden team in a result 90:77 and at the same for the first time in IABL won the Challenge cup. After this game was over, Little finale match between the Ukraine and Russia ( Sankt-Petersburgh) followed for the spectators, gathered in the sports hall and as it was expected it was a true adornment for all basketball fans. Remembering previous year, these teams had to fight in Little finale, where Russians won one point victory (66:65) .This year, the Ukraine achieved a sweet revenge and defeated Sankt-Petersburgh 98:95.

And finally, in the Grand finale, the host team from Latvia, supported by local fans and Vilnius ( Lithuania) met. The mentioned teams, had already played once a few days ago in the subgroup stage and players from Vilnius won one point victory. This time, at the beginning of the game events happened similarly . Since the start of the game , players from Vilnius attacked dramatically and gained the advantage. However, after the great break, the host team players with more power saved and thanks to an excellent performance, won a convincing victory in a result 102:67 and won gold medals.

During the closing party of the tournament, both the winners and the most valuable players of each team were awarded. Later on, the team leaders gathered to discuss the previous season and said good-bye till the next season, which is expected to have more teams with expanded geography, as basketball teams from Estonia, Germany and other countries show a great interest in IABL tournament. This autumn it will be become clear whether they are successful to join us


Среда, 5 Июля 2017 20:09. Просмотров: 4247
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